Affiliate Dashboard Preview
To access your Dasboard Affiliate click on the Affiliate Dashboard link in the footer of the site as shown in the following screenshot.
If you are already logged in you will immediately access the Dasboard Affiliate, otherwise you will be taken to the page where you can enter your login credentials or alternatively apply for affiliation using the registration form as shown in the picture below.
After entering your credentials and pressing login you will access your Affiliate Dashboard.Â
The Affiliate Dashboard consists of 7 tabs: Dashboard, Commissions, Visits, Coupons, Payments, Link generator, Settings which will appear as shown in the image below.
Dashboard tab
The Dashboard tab at the top shows the total earnings summary with the commissions paid, the commission rate, the conversion rate, the total and daily number of visits to the site via your referral url.
Scrolling down shows a summary of recent commissions with the date, the product purchased and the related commission, the status of the commission if paid or pending Scrolling down shows a summary of recent commissions with the date, the product purchased and the related commission, the status of the commission if paid or pending as shown in the screenshot below.
If you continue to scroll down, you will see a summary of recent visits with the date, link and origin of the visit as shown in the following image.
Commissions tab
The Commissions tab will show a detailed summary of all accrued commissions with an indication, for each commission earned, of the ID, product, amount, commission rate, and status if that is paid or pending payment.
All search results can be sorted by ID, date, product, amount and rate. Commission search results can also be filtered by payment status ( Pending, Pending Payment, Paid, Not confirmed, Canceled, Refunded), by date from/to.
You can decide how many results to display on one page.Â
Visits tab
The Visits tab shows a detailed summary of the visits generated by your affiliate link with indication, for each visit, of the date, link, origin and status relative to conversion.
Search results related to visits can be sorted by date, link, and origin. They can also be filtered by conversion status ( Not converted, Converted) or by date from/to.
You can decide how many results to display on one page.Â
Coupons Tab
The Coupons tab shows the list of coupons that we can, at our sole discretion, give to an affiliate and that he or she can give to anyone allowing them to buy on our website with a discount. In this way, the affiliate can entice purchases and earn commissions.
For each coupon in the list is shown the code, which can be copied to be shared, type of coupon ( Fixed cart discount, Fix product discount, Percentage discount), amount, expiration date, coupon details by placing the mous on the question mark symbol.
You can decide how many results to display on one page.Â
Payments tab
The Payments tab shows the summary of commission related payments indicating the date of request, amount, payment date, invoice, and payment status.
Search results can be sorted by request date, amount, paid on, invoice. They can also be filtered by payment status (Pending, Completed, Canceled, On hold) and by date from/to.
You can decide how many results to display on one page.Â
Link generator tab
The Link generator tab shows your referal link that can be copied and then shared, so you can redirect users to our Home Page with your affiliate ID. Your referal link can be directly shared on Facebook, Twitter, Pintarest, E-mail, Watsapp.Â
If you want to redirect users to a specific page (for example: a product page) use the link generator.Â
Settings tab
The Settings tab allows you to set up your affiliate account and so receive commission payments earned through your referal link. You will simply enter your PayPal account email in the box provided (PayPal MassPay) and save the new settings.
You can turn on new commission notifications and so you get an email when a commission status switches to pending.
You can also turn on commission payment notifications and so get an email when a commission is paid.