
It is really very simple!

If you intend to purchase a single product you can proceed directly to payment on the same product page, after the procedure you will see on the same page the download link. You can still put the product in the cart and proceed to purchase either from the cart or checkout page. Also in this case finished the payment procedure will appear on the same page the link to proceed to download.

If you want to buy more products, put them in the cart, then you can proceed to payment directly from the cart or ceckout. As in the previous case as soon as the payment procedure is finished, the download links of the purchased products will appear on the same page.

If you purchase a bundle, things do not change from the previous cases. Once the payment process is finished, all the links to the products in the bundle will appear on the same page.

In all three of these cases, after downloading purchased products, your downloads will always be available in your dashboard under the “My Downloads” tab.

Don’t worry!

If for any reason (such as accidentally closing your browser window), you can always retrieve the download links in your dashboard under the “My Orders” tab.

Memberships are special products that give access to the entire catalog or a limited number of products.

When you purchase a VIP Mebership, Lifetime or 1 Year, you will not get any links after the payment process. This is because you will instantly have unlimited access to the entire catalog, so you can download any product simply from its page.

Absolutely nothing!

If you have purchased a 1-Year VIP Membership Plan, when it expires you simply will no longer have access to the catalog and will no longer be able to download products, including those we will add after your membership expires.

Don’t worry! The products you have downloaded in the meantime will continue to update automatically whenever we update them.

For us, VIP Members are really VIP!

It is very simple!

We introduce new products to our catalog every day.

If you decide to purchase the 1-Year VIP Membership Plan, when it expires you will no longer have access to the catalog, so you will not be able to download all the new products that we will add starting the next day.

We assure you that we are constantly on the lookout for products to include in our catalog and that we are paying attention to trends about WordPress components.

Also consider that if a manufacturer decides to retire a product to replace it with a new one that implements the same features by expanding its functions, it will no longer give updates. This happens often, and when it happens we also stop providing updates as we introduce the new product into our catalog and provide updates for it.

Consider well then what kind of VIP Access you intend to purchase.

Absolutely not!

There is no hidden cost. You only pay the price of the products you buy, once forever. You will be able to use the purchased products for life, on as many websites as you want, receiving automatic updates for life.


We are really sorry!
We do not have a return or refund policy on purchases.

This is because digital products, by their nature, do not lend themselves to aesthetic evaluations.

When you purchase one of our products we assume that you are already familiar with it or that you have read up on its features and functions.

This is precisely why we provide an extensive description of each of our products, including a link to the manufacturer’s page.

However since we value our customers’ satisfaction, you can try to contact us and explain the reasons for your disappointment. We assure you that we will carefully consider what you tell us, and if we find your reasons well-founded we may give you a product of your choice!

Don’t abuse this possibility and our good faith, because if we find that you just want to get something you didn’t pay for, we may decide to close your account.


We may decide to offer Gift Coupons that entitle you to exceptional discounts or free downloads of certain products that our customers put on their wishlist.

Become our customer and stay tuned!


