YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards Premium


YITH WooCommerce Gift Card allows your users to purchase gift cards. This will help increase brand awareness, your sales, and average spend, especially during the holidays.

  • Lifetime Auto Update
  • Unlimited Sites
  • GPL License
Version: 4.10.0
Last Updated: Mar 02, 2024
Developer: YITH
Developer URL: Product Page


  • Increase the revenue of your store by getting into the gift card business: 98% of e-commerce stores offer gift cards that generate a revenue that is supposed to reach more than one trillion dollars in 2030;
  • Accelerate conversions during the holiday season by giving your customers the opportunity to buy a gift card for a friend or relative without the hassle of looking for the right product for that person;
  • Increase your store’s popularity by making it known to the gift card recipient: you will be able to reach more customers and loyalize them over time;
  • Increase your store’s average order value: 45% of users who receive a gift card are reported to spend even more than the available credit in their gift cards.

With YITH WooCommerce Gift Card you will be able to create gift cards in a few minutes and your customers will be able to customize them, send them by email, or print them at home.


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