Are there restrictions on the number of downloads?

Are there restrictions on the number of downloads?

0 min 44 seconds read

Absolutely not.
One thing encountered with similar platforms (and caused frustration) was their so-called “fair use” policies that limited downloads to 15 per day. While this might suit some users, the idea of paying for a service only to be arbitrarily blocked while legitimately trying to complete work wasn’t acceptable to us.
Encountering days where no downloads were necessary, followed by busy days requiring 30 or more downloads, was immensely frustrating. Despite being a paying customer, facing restrictions during peak workload periods was inconvenient.
Additionally, this policy isn’t sustainable long-term. Updates count against your download limit. Consequently, even if you manage with the initial 15 daily downloads, imagine having hundreds of plugins from different client projects needing updates. This restriction forces users to spread updates over multiple days, creating unnecessary hassle. I prefer completing tasks on my schedule, and these limitations are an unnecessary inconvenience.


